Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Emotion Downfall

Coming Back

It is me again to track down the circle of my negative emotions.

I believe guys do have some emotional period like girls. Getting very lazier and unproductive. And getting a little cough which make thing even more messed up. Not very severe, but it did make my mood a little bit down to drain too.

I think I need to start working out tomorrow as my health is not getting me to what i want. And I do think that working out make me more motivated towards life and "lift" my mood up.

Feeling a little bit withdrawal. Not really wanted to be contact with people that i am not good with, but only friends, very good friends.

Have a short yumcha session with two of my hometown best friend, and the feeling is much better, at least when they speak, they don't speak with a mask, something very comfy to face with. People always say "the naked truth", i strongly agree with that, because when a thing that wasn't retouched in anyhow, it is in his original formation, just like the glass theory that i just shared to my friend today. When the glass is filled with Teh Tarik, you will say it is teh tarik, when it is filled with limau ais, it is limau ais. But we already forget that it is actually just a glass, and that's the answer I want.

Business is about networking. But that doesn't mean that when we network, we think about business. That just doesn't seem right to me. As we grow, we start to think about future, work, and family. There seems to be no longer true friendship. But I am glad that I still see it in some of my friends.

Business is tough, especially setting up all by your own. You focus on product, but you need to be creative in your exposure as well, then your debt, your taxes, your man power. So many things you need to look after, so many things need to be taken care of. Sometimes you feel lazy, then things get built up, then you procrastinate, then new things come in, then it built up even more then it becomes a mountain that press you so hard that you can hardly move.

Blame who? Blame yourself. Heard a new term few days back. YOLO, which means you only live once. I don't want to live like what the world that asked me to. I want to live the world what I really wanted and not leading by others. Because like what Bon Jovi said, It's my life!

Some achievements that I want to achieve in 2015.

1. Get married
2. Won Photography Competition
3. Won Short Film Competition
4. Participate in Badminton Competition
5. Gained good physical strength (like those russian gymnasitic)
6. Learn new music instruments and vocal
7. Perform on stage (be it instruments or vocal)
8. Survive financially. (At least I can cover all my expenses)

Why? Because I only live once. They say do the things that you can do now. Because you know that as you aged, you will never do the things that you want to do anymore.


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