Friday, March 4, 2011

Life goal

A different life goal signify a distinctive way of life.

interact with someone who wish to proceed for phD and becomes a doctor.

how is his path gonna be like?
first, he finish his third year in HELP and fly over Australia to finish his fourth year then get his honours over there
and lastly get his phD over there.

then i ask, why don't you finish third year in HELP and you still get your honours what?
then he said, but Australia don't accept Malaysia honours degree program, you got to do it there.
and the reason why he has to get Australia to accept the honours is with that, he can directly get his phD.

Skip master and directly go for phD? i asked.
Yeah. he said. he felt that time is essence and now there is this chance, why should he reject?
i am not impress that he is going Flinder UNI, Australia.
instead, i am amazed by his certainty in his career path.

i am interested to learn as high as i could too, degree, master then phD.
this is exactly the chance for me too, can save time and cost and invest now in the fourth year then soon go for phD.
But i don't seem to appeal with it.

i know the answer better than anyone else.
i want to but i aint sure how desperate i am.
and that is why i can't make the decision.

his advice is constructive, indeed.
he ask me to make the decision, you have to first ask yourself.
what actually the career path you wish to have?
go into research or practice?
if practice then master is more than enough.
if research then phD will be your perfect choice.

I am kind of greedy person.
i wish to have all at once but reality always bang me down, telling it is never possible.
it is possible of course, but for my current mentality, i don't it is so.

when it comes to selecting options,
we wish to have it all, or at least, as much as we could.
but at this moment, i feel i can't be better if i tackle both.
it is based on a simple assumption, when you have skin problem,
you will go for skin specialist or general medical doctor?

i like to have definite answer though there is always grey areas in almost everything.

another reason that i don't want to go is that i can't leave everything behind.
personal growth might be crucial but i always think there is other way but this.

put yourself in dilemma can stimulate thinking more than usual.

a dilemma a day keeps wisdom intact.
i have my dilemma today.
had you?

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