Friday, September 24, 2010

A wonderful DREAM

Past Saturday afternoon, my GF, Isaac and me was having discussion to work on ERB for PSY 201.
After having our lunch, it is normal for me to feel sleepy as I assume my blood are concentrating towards my stomach.

Then I went for a nap.
In that short nap, I had a wonderful dream!
A really wonderful dream, that I wish I could never have another,
because if there is another, it will no longer be as special as it was.

I dreamed of my father again.
Very clear this time, like he is back to alive again.
You and me know that it is impossible.
But in the dream, I believe everything is possible,
and I don't find myself have a single doubt to it.
Perhaps it is true that dream has a wish-fulfilling tendency jut like Freud said,
though it is proven scientifically that it wasn't true.

I wonder why he becomes a female figure in that dream,
maybe I wanted a more tender father as female is basically hold feminine and nurturing features.
Keep that aside.
What appears to be more exciting is that, he gave me a birthday gift!
he gave clues on how to find it, and i was really excited to search for it.
I burst into tears of joy once I found that present.
It is a Adidas basketball shoes!!! (why addidas? @@ maybe bcz I bought one?)
with cool design in which there is a stainless steel string-like thingy around that shoes.
Remember the olympic game in China, the "bird nest"?
that's what i meant!
COooooooooollllL isn't it?

I need to woke up in the end, anyway.
He didn't forget my birthday,
thanks for the early birthday gift,
my father...

******** I'm not good in using application to draw (neither in real life).
As you can see, the "drawing part" is the "bird nest" that I've mentioned.
WOW! this is almost the same like what I dreamt.
ps: of course the real thing in my dream is more awesome!!!

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