Monday, April 5, 2010

Sexual intercourse or feeling bonding

In the midst of revised for BioPsy Class-test two,
a question popped out by her -
Which one you tend to accept more,
me(my gf) having sexual intercourse with another guy or me(my gf) have feeling towards and bond with another guy? (please to bear in mind, it is only a question, and it is a question that found out from the textbook while we are doing revision)
I chose the former.
Prior to this, if I wasn't forced to choose either one,
both are equally unacceptable.

Why former as my choice then?
I am not so sure either.
Maybe I feel that love making is derived from two people who are emotionally bond
and eventually led to the copulation.
And so, merely sexual intercourse doesn't fall under love-making category.

Emotional bonding is the thing that lasts long.
It hurts more to know that such bonding is not with you, but other.
And I think that is the reason I chose the first one, rather than the second.

Got to back for revision,
there are still much to go.

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