Monday, January 4, 2010

Yesterday is today.

Today... oops! Is yesterday!
But I haven't sleep, so it is still counted as 3 January 2010.

Went dinner at 7pm with full of excitement as there is quite some time that I had been in someone wedding dinner. Dressed up, I assume that it was nice because I feel so! White long sleeve shirt with some writing on it, tight jean, and a pair of snicker- semi casual, I love this kind of dressing when I accidentally put it all on. It is a simple combination for sure, yet I had never done it before. I felt it would be turn out better if I had my hair cut. Still indecisive on whether to cut my hair. Keep it long or cut it short? I am worry with the outcome since I have gain fat recently not on the body but more on my face. I look chubby... Eh, I think "big face" would much more suited with me. Nah, forget it... after all, it is still my head. @@

Talking about dinner, I started to like girl's toilet when I first stepped in the boy's toilet. It is a heaven place! With full of smoke and a lot of people actually "sembayang" over there- They smoked inside!
Zzzzz, why there is never a rule to inhibits people from smoking inside the toilet as well? Non-smokers are still need to go for toilet. I think there should be no girl smoking inside girl's washroom. Not only that, I would also assume that girls are more well taking care the washroom than men. It is really terrible inside the washroom, with vomit material, some urine stain over places that always surprise you. Don't fully utilize your imagination, girls. It might not that terrible, but it is still very dirty inside. Smells are there. @@

Gonna sleep, update later ba. Tata.

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