Too used with 2009, as I found myself keep repeating typing the date with 2009 instead of 2010. I am always resist with change. This 2010 is truly a fact, and I have no legitimate reason to back it off.
If you ever read about articles related with self-awareness. They would or might mentioned about "I" statement. To take responsible with your own words but not on a false consensus. Simply mean that, start your sentence with "I", but not any other people or assuming a overall population. For instance, it is much more encouraged to use "I don't like when people shouting at me!" rather than "who will like when people shouted at them?; people feels distress when other yelled at them". See the difference? First one you greatly take up the responsibility but the rest you just simply assume that everyone doesn't like it and as though you are not the one who don't like it. One way to train you to be more responsible to yourself, perhaps.
Wanted to put picture inside blogspot. But find it quite troublesome to do that, and seriously I don't like trouble. @@
Come up with few plans, like old usual plans. Bad thing is that, it is still a plan even up until now. Now, at this moment, not really have mood to blog. Timing effect maybe- it is still early in the morning (Ooops, it is already 5.33pm! and I still feel it is morning because I woke up quite late today.) or simply there is nothing extraordinary happened and I have run out of ideas. This is supposed to be writing my life journey, not ideas. Feel my mind flow are really "clumsy" right one. Ya! clumsy. I really feel that, and think that this word is really suited with how I think now.
Sigh. Really blur with what I wanted to express now. Voices of News from television really distracted me a lot. Till then. Bye all.
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