Saturday, January 16, 2010


January 9, my last post.
January 16, gonna replace the old-wrinkled January 9.

It is just 7 days or 1 week that I last posting my post.
Yet I feel that as if has been happened ages over ages ago.
Am I craving to write blog? I guess so.

Someone mentioned, creative writers never dried-out of writing material.
But I do.
I have block, and it do blocked me from writing further, most of the time.
And I really hate dead-end.

I am not prominent in English, it blocked me.
There are people who said my English are well done.
I burst into big laugh, not literally but mentally.

I do feel it is funny and sometimes it is like a form of embarrassment.
Especially if it is come from someone who is really handy with it.
More specifically, they said: "Your English are way better than me."
It is never wrong to be humble, as that's what we been taught all this while.
Personally, I just dislike people humble while they are skillful at something.

Funniest thing is that, I heart most with people who are LC-ing with their talents.

People who Pro in Singing, who Pro in Dancing, whatever it is, you name it.
I like to see people sparking in their own talent,
without letting the humbly-humbly thingy pulling their back.
Although I might explicitly felt irritated or even get annoyed,
but for sure, I am implicitly jealous and admired them.

This is my sister's son or my nephew, name QFeng.
All this while, I've been thinking of writing a blog that all about him.
But too bad, I failed to do so.
Isn't he cute and adorable?
He was really fat and chubby at the moment as the date written on the bottom left of this picture ( I am sure you can see it).
But little did I realize that, he is getting thinner and the last check-up, he get no increases in his weight. You might want to ask, did I torture him?

He is just too cute, and I bet none of us will ever have that thought comes across on him!
AND more specifically, YOU CAN'T! Why? Because Mr. Phuah said so.

Here is his recent photo

This is not a really recent photo as the date might tell the truth.
But I can assure you that this is the most recent picture that I could found
inside my phone's memory stick.

Instead of my little nephew grow fatter, I think the fats and calories had all been transferred to me. And especially, on my face which make my face and head look even much bigger. @@
Pathetic enough that something big is growing even bigger.

Kind a bit sad while my sister just now said that MY FACE do look BIG!
Kind a bit happy that, Mr. Webber Aka Chiu Waai said that I turned thinner on that day we met up. Although he never mentioned whether it is my body or the above-shoulder part.

Wow! Fantastic!
I put pictures inside my post! Wonderful as it sounds, I grow!
In term of putting pictures and I make my promise a reality- posted about my cutie nephew.
Next post will be posted very soon!


Zo.e said...

it's either you really get thinner like chiuwaai said, thats why ur head becomes bigger.
you study too much till your brain grows bigger :p


*小翠叶* - Little green leaf - said...

You think knowledge supply brain to grow bigger a?
If study more then head bigger, why all doctor doctor all small head nia. LOL!

I more accepted the first reason. Hahahahaha.