Saturday, January 9, 2010


Tonight, I aint playing DotA until the rise of the sun.
Tonight, neither do I read book, nor you-tube-ing, nor sleeping.
It's a Lipat-Baju night.

Finally, I put my heart in cleaning up the mess that I have make in the room.
It looks much better now with no clothes, jeans or whatsoever that previously owned their own space like it is their own properties.
Could hardly imagine that with that lotsa of clothes, it could fit in a square box which only length of my hand counted from the shoulder to the fingers.

School time gonna start again.
Monday, will be the day which laziness no more, gaming-addicted no more, and heavy-expenses no more.
Hope I can do it.
Nope, I am sure I can DO IT!
Kekekeke, Let's see what will happen.
Hope there will be no one demotivate me again before I even started it.
I am easily demotivated and influence by others.

Let's have a Good Good Night Sleep~
See ya. Wo wo woh~

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