Monday, July 11, 2011


I've been influenced by one guy, kind of deep impact on me.
No, you made a wrong guess Cheryl, it is not my father.
Not that my father did not influenced me,
but the one I am mentioning is not him.

Chin Guan, this guy has had impact on me and i still think
that more influence is coming in changing me.
I look things in more ways as I used to have.
I want to try more things that I refused to previously.
The way I make decision change too, again,
how it changed, how much it changed, I have no idea.
I just feel that I've changed.

Wonder how powerful social influence are,
that only one person can change another person in
ways that the latter did not realize the influence is taking place.
And when he realized, the changed is implanted.

I guess that's the reason my father told me to know more friend,
talk to more people, don't stick yourself in front of the computer.
I believe that computer can help me, but only to a certain extent.

There is a reason why human are given mouth to talk and emotion to express.
we are social being.


Lee鬼 said...


angelQ891107 said...

Sumone fall in love v cgk now.. :P

*小翠叶* - Little green leaf - said...

Sweat, never know you all watching my blog. LOL! haha. not fall in love okay, it's different.