Saturday, April 17, 2010

A movie freak

Talking about me?
but wait, this is not the freak that you thinking right now
- crazy about movies, catch certain celebrities on every scene he played,
have whole series as collection and etc.
It should be according to my definition.

I don't really like to watch movies, or in another way of saying, I don't watch much.
Again, to be contradict, I like to watch movies.
I like to watch because the story line is really cool, expressing certain kind of thinking, culture.
I like to watch because it makes time pass real fast.

how about dislikes?
I dislike the time I would probably spend on it.
Or simply, watching movies are really a means of wasting time.
what is the feeling feels like?
like a drug addict regret
after flew back from the heaven realize he has again did something wrong;
like a young couple regret that condom is not worn
after having fun, merely having fun.
Though both of top are never experienced by most of us,
but I am sure you all could exactly empathize me.

*turn around*
Hi! It's me!
The *movie freak!
(note: *is fully in accordance with Phuah's own definition)
What is the "now" me?
Yeah! I no more watching drama, spending hours on it and the next thing I know,
is the time I have to be on bed.
Leaving errands undone today, and of course,
it will be continuous, making tomorrow the same things happen.
Oops! No no, it won't be the same,
because there are more works stacking up for tomorrow.
I am making history, build the super pyramid!

Good thing now, drama-addiction is already a history.
but I really enjoy going cinema watching movies.
Even it is only two of us, I mean, my beloved and I,
I am perfectly okay with it.
Unlike going for KTV, if it is only two of us, I don't really like it,
as I will be sang until I can literally feel my throat isn't there.
It is numb.
I don't understand why I never feel it is a waste of time,
I meant for movies in cinema, though it is about the same
if included the time travel, money-wise and etc.
I might even lose more in that sense.
Yet, I like it.

Few months back, or last year,
there are times where you can easily found me at cinema.
That is the period I watch a lot of movies.
Won lottery?
Sad to say, never, even up till now.

Popcorn in hands, soft drink by the side,
big screen front, freezing air-condition,
wow, it is just fantastic for me.
Maybe I like the feeling as if the big screen is so big that hypnotize me the actors are there acted right in front of me.
It can be, I am not sure either,
since I never know the reason behind why I am so in love with it, once upon a time.

No more like it?
Of course not.
Still loving it, but not as much as previously.
Feeling will fade, for whoever, whichever, and whatever.
Don't said you won't, I am sure you tell lie.
Even old man who cigarette-obsessed will stop smoke in the end of the day.
He will die one day, right? Confirm.
In this case, the feeling not even got that chance to fade,
instead gone with the last breath.

Considering the money I going to spent on it,
I start reluctant and hesitate a lot before I decide to watch a movie.
To be frank, I wanted to watch 3D,
as there are really bunch of movies will only be fun-to-watch,
if it is watch in 3D.
F*** the director.
Watch Alice in Wonderland, Clash of the titans, How to train your dragon,
to name a few.
How to train your dragon is still okay for the storyline,
but I am sure it will be super duper fun if it is seen in 3D.

3D is just really expensive, and it is only available in few places.
From the point of economic, my economic I am saying, it is really not cost-effective.
Imagine the petrols money I going to use up every time I step on the pedal if I happen to drive, the tickets of LRT, KTM or whatsoever public transport that I going to pay if first option is not available and the movie tickets which cost almost RM20 for each of it!
Not to forget the popcorn and the drinks!
I really "ng se dak"(tak sampai hati-not willing-bu she de) to spent that amount of cash.
I can get something else instead.
Not only a thing, but things.

Too long winded this time, I assume.
End the story. ~.~

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