Sunday, April 11, 2010

Be true to your feeling.

How far still the title applicable to the people today?
Less likely, right?

A simple but harsh truth.
As human defined themselves as highly sophisticated-built creature,
mind comes before action.
You think for consequences before you act,
and of course there is always exception.
Let's ignore the exception,
and presumes that human are always rational.

Since we are so "smart",
and that's why we are so smart and assume that true-feeling-reveal is such a silly move.
Just like the simplest math 1+1=2, they take it for granted and think that's nothing for them.
Thus, neglecting that they start from there.

Like a baby will cry when they are hungry, shout when they are angry, tears flood when pain. They are more true to themselves.
More true than any big man, as well any small man like me.
We hide feeling, put on mask,
day after day,
we've been trained to be a pro make-up artist,
the make-up is thicker each day,
and one day, you might not even recognize who you are in actual reality.

Stuck here. Wonder why. @@


JR said...

sticker? put on a mask or not is a choice isn't it? not by chance =) we are not forced so,we do it because we're afraid to get hurt...we're afraid of pain~

*小翠叶* - Little green leaf - said...

haha.. Mistake, should be thicker. @@.
Haha, knew you gonna leave comments somehow.
Btw, you already covered this topic quite well previously. :)

JR said...

knew it because purposely put a spelling mistake so I correct you over here? haha~did I? hmmm~don't rmb i wrote something similar...anyway, I take it as a compliment so i say thank you=)take care^^