Saturday, January 23, 2010



Choi! Sure it wasn't me that involved in accident.

Saw quite a number of accident happened in this few days.
Even only for this 2 days, it is 3 cases!
Wah, what on earth that make me so lucky.
Too bad I never marked down the 4d numbers. @@

One is simply saw two guys arguing each other while the motorbike is lying on the ground.

Another, heard "bang" sound and what came later to sight is a guy lying on the fast lane,
whilst the motor can be found nowhere.

Last one, which I just saw tonight on the way back to Klang by KTM,
motor is crushed to pieces, I saw no victims but police officers are there controlling the traffic.

All 3 of this are still fresh in memory.
It kind of reminded me when I first have my "big" accident,
which caused an irremovable scar mark on my left knee,
plus sprain on my wrist that never seems back to normal even after operation.

Nevertheless, those incidents alert me so well that to be cautious on road.
And at certain extent, I am worry that I will be the next one who lying over the road.
Frankly speaking, I am proud of my skill that I will never bang on one's car,
bike, or even someone (hey, I am not that blind, okay?).

What I really afraid of is other.
I scare of people bang me for no reason.
Eh.. I mean people who drive car to bang me for no reason,
definitely it include van, lorry, big continent car.. big.. .. vehicles (train maybe?) , anything lah, you name it.

I will feel much better if I bang on someone rather than people bang on me.
At least, when you bang on someone, at the very last moment, you still realize that you had just
banged someone, and that is how you die. @@ CHOI! (assuming here)

But how if it turns out the other way round that you banged by someone? Ni*m*, choi choi choi!
You don't even remember what happened, no no no, i mean you don't even stand a chance
to know what is really happening, and then you r.i.df. (rest in damn fuck!)
Even if you die also, eyes open big big. *-*

So, what's the lesson by LimBeh today?
Listen carefully,
LOOK and SEE carefully!
Look LEFT and RIGHT when you cross the road.
And right is mean that the side that you used your hand to hold chopstick and it is only apply for someone who holds chopstick with their right hand. Hahaha, I am effking smart! LOL!
NOT asking you to look the hot chicks or mei meis beside you but the car approaching (this is the details what news or education always left out).
While you driving, never expect!
Expect kills! That's what I've found out all this while I'm on earth.
Be suspicious enough, girls out there, utilize your this gifted sense to be suspicious on the road,
this are yours strength.
Always suspicious of what the car next to you will do,
he/she may just turn to you and bang you even though they had just smiled at you (that's the reason they bang you, they can't multitask, esp man. @@).
Look out for Motorist, Bikers, Passersby, erm 3 wheel bike or any other er or ist that is not driving 4 wheel,
they could be dangerous at times also,
they can bang you (even though it is really no harm to you - They sustain more damage, but most of the time, people felt pity for the one who weaker which is certainly not you. @@),
distract you (by the back longkang if the backseat was a ah mui with low waist jean),
or simply you bang them (walao, you blind meh? WTF)

Final sentence?
Don't talk on phone while you drive,
I almost involved in an accident before because of that.
Don't said that I am lousy,
you can still bang someone if you walking whilst on call.
Then what the hell reason that you can think of that you will never make it while you are driving?
Ooops, more than one sentence.

*Haha, still sick.
Cough and gonna sore throat tomorrow (I am sure!).
Let's have a nice sleep ba.*

Ps: Thanks Zoe that because of her, I only know that Let's = let us. @@
+ Sorry for the super bad grammar and colouring, I am just so in love in colouring though I have no talent in it, most importantly, just ignore the rude words simply bcz it is never meant for you.


Cheryl said...

u scold my mum again!
hahahahahahahahahha, but funny post. 2 thumbs up.
and 2 toes up!

*小翠叶* - Little green leaf - said...

Where got.. I din scold dou!
haha... You tell me see see, where I scold? Aiyor, jz say hand and leg thumbs up can d la. hahah